Sky Connect

Sky Connect Highlights

  • Iridium based Tracking/Texting/Talking solutions
  • Certified Transceiver, FAA/TC/EASA/CAA approvals
  • True Line Replaceable Unit (LRU)
  • One-stop Iridium airtime service provider
  • Fully adaptable data architecture to feed any GIS system
  • World’s largest provider of Iridium-based aircraft tracking services

Download the product’s brochure Here

Next generation Sky Connect Tracker product

Tracking – internal or external GPS automatically reports time stamped position, altitude, ground speed, and ground track information
Texting – two way text messaging via MMU-II or other texting device
Light Weight FDM capabilities
Alerts/Other data – collects and reports other aircraft status via ARINC 429 ports, RS232 ports, and discrete inputs
Compatible with existing tray and for most installations pin-compatible allowing easy upgrades.

HUMS/Sky Connect interface

Provides over-the-air notification of potential HUMS exceedances
Allows timely off-load of HUMS data at next destination
Fully integrated with the Model 1239 HUMS system via ARINC 429 bus to Tracker III
Provides additional exceedance information beyond a simple discrete notification (SW support for Tracker III shipping Q1 2013)
HUMS systems with a Discrete output can be interfaced to a Tracker III, available now.

Sky Connect Future Capabilities

We are interested in feedback on future product requirements:
HUMS Integration (Tracker & HUMS in one LRU)
Light Weight FDM (# of parameters, on-board download)
Multi-channel voice (concurrent voice calls, prioritization)
Integrated Tracking full FDM product
Multi-drop MMU-II support.

Data/Mapping Feeds to 3rd-Party Maps

Besides the Tracker-Map service, tracking data can be directed to other partners and mapping services: Unified tracking system for Forest Fire Operations
Alternative aircraft tracking services:
Flight Explorer
Dedicated air medical services automation:

Easier installation configuration through an embedded web server using a standard laptop without special software.
Auto power-down message after removal of ships power through an UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).
An OLED diagnostic display to simplify installation, configuration and troubleshooting.Inclusion of an ARINC 429 interface to interface with FMS/GPS systems without using an additional LRU.
Phone Number and Configuration Data stored in a module that stays with the aircraft allowing LRU changes without re-configuration.

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